Dr. Rashid A. Buttar’s
Advanced Medicine
Mirriam – Webster’s dictionary defined the word “Advanced” as the following:
- Being beyond others in progress or ideas
- Being beyond the elementary or introductory
- Greatly developed beyond an initial stage
- Much evolved from an early ancestral type

January 20, 1966 – May 18, 2023
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar
In honor of Dr. Buttar’s passing, the Advanced Medicine Team is moving forward as we all know Dr. B would have wanted. We intend to carry forth his legacy and honor his life’s work by continuing AdvancedMedicine.com. This platform was created and designed by Dr. Buttar to touch, impact and change the lives of millions of people around the world. Dr. Buttar’s life was led by his gracious heart to serve humanity and he always said he wanted to reach a billion people!
Let’s pick up his torch and forge forward together. We plan to take this platform to the next level and optimize the user experience so that all of this life saving and changing material is easily accessible and utilizable (just as Dr. B wanted!). There is a wealth of content and products contained in this platform that Dr. B worked his whole life creating to bless the lives of people worldwide. *If you have not already joined the IADFW, consider becoming a member Today, to gain FULL access to all educational material, products and services created and designed by Dr. B. All purchases made on this platform will support our efforts in making this platform everything Dr. B intended and more!*
We ask for and appreciate your support in our collective effort to advance the Advanced Medicine platform and mission to “Make the Change the World is Waiting For”. As Dr. Buttar would say, as this content and information blesses you, pay it forward and share it with your friends and family. Let’s unite as an army of light warriors continuing what he started and expand his legacy to the four corners of the earth.
Our Philosophy…
The pilosophy that guides AdvancedMedicine.com is based on the philosophy and treatment protocols of Dr. Rashid A. Buttar. This philosophy is based on the premise that all disease begins with the 7 Toxicities, all of which increase oxidative stress and result in pathology (or disease). The key to this philosophy is that if you can “effectively” (effectively being the key operative word) detoxify the body by reducing or eliminating all 7 of these toxicities, chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, etc., by defination can NOT exist.
Now you have the opportunity to learn the possible health benefits these life-changing philosophies and rexources offer. You may realize you’ve found the most important website in the world when it comes to optimizing your health and well-being.
What’s Included for FREE at Advanced Medicine?
FREE access to and utilization of the AHEAD MAP™ (Proprietary Health Assessment Tool)
FREE Creation of your personal Advanced Medicine Dashboard to track your progress and scores.
FREE access to the Facts on Toxicity Video Series, 55 Part Medical Secrets Audio Series, and over 450 hours of archived audio.
Additional FREE access to dozens of other webinar videos, audios, tools, articles, and resources that have already changed the lives of over 168,000 people from more than 93 different countries!
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar’s
AHEAD MAP™ is an acronym for:
- Advanced
- Health
- Evaluation
- And
- Assessment for
- Detoxification,
- Medical
- Assessment
- Program
AHEAD MAP™ is a tool that took over 20 years to fully develop, test and implement. It has been used in Dr. Buttar’s medical practice for nearly 2 decades and is used by some of the best doctors in the world. You now have access to the power of the AHEAD MAP™ for FREE! Watch this video, then Join for free to gain access!
What else is available at the Advanced Medicine Dashboard?

Access to vitamin and supplement products
Access to health, wellness and detoxification programs
Assessment Tools
Access to AHEAD MAP™ and other Assessment Tools
Media Library
Access to Audio, Video and Webinar Content
Health Education
Access to Electronic Books and Health and Detoxification Information

The 9 Steps Program is a breakthrough process designed to do 3 main things:
- Help you discover, understand and ACT upon the most powerful methods for removing dangerous toxins from your body…
- Shift your mind so that you feel excited and eager to make the necessary changes in your life and…
- Radically transform you mood, confidence and sense of well being.
There’s a reason why top doctors, athletes and celebrities all across the country are praising The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away – because it works!
Now it’s your turn… let this revolutionary guide help you transform how your body looks and feels forever!