The 9 Steps Program is a breakthrough process designed to do 3 main things:
- Help you discover, understand and ACT upon the most powerful methods for removing dangerous toxins from your body…
- Shift your mind so that you feel excited and eager to make the necessary changes in your life and…
- Radically transform you mood, confidence and sense of well being.
There’s a reason why top doctors, athletes and celebrities all across the country are praising The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away – because it works!
Now it’s your turn… let this revolutionary guide help you transform how your body looks and feels forever!
Advanced Medicine – Defined:
Merriam – Webster’s dictionary defines the word “Advanced” as the following: a : being beyond others in progress or ideas, b : being beyond the elementary or introductory, c : greatly developed beyond an initial stage, d : much evolved from an early ancestral type. Advanced Medicine is Medicine that is “beyond others in progress and ideas”, “beyond the elementary or introductory”, “greatly developed” and “much evolved”. It is the medicine of the Future, today. Simply stated, it is Medicine that is Advanced and ahead of it’s time!
The philosophy that guides Advanced Medicine.com is based on the philosophy and treatment protocols of Dr. Rashid A. Buttar. This philosophy is based on the premise that all disease begins with the 7 Toxicities, all of which increase oxidative stress and result in pathology (or disease). The key to this philosophy is that if you can “effectively” (effectively being the key operative word) detoxify the body by reducing or eliminating all 7 of these toxicities, chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, etc, by definition can NOT exist. This is Advanced Medicine. Welcome to Advanced Medicine and to the new beginning of the rest of your life!